Our Mission

Spread the wonders of argan oil and empower people to naturally take care of their health and beauty while standing for sustainability.

Our mission

Spread the wonders of argan oil and empower people to naturally take care of their health and beauty while standing for sustainability.

Our Core Beliefs

These are the foundations of our actions.

Nature has amazing wonders to offer for our health and beauty used simply in their purest form.

Our health and beauty should not be at the expense of our planet and its communities.

Companies should have a social and environmental purpose at their heart and make it a priority.

Problems we want to solve

Many issues are surrounding the cosmetics industry, the argan oil market and related sustainability.

The Ugly Side Of The Beauty Industry

  • Many cosmetics are packed with unsafe and toxic chemicals for health and beauty, due to lack of regulation.
  • Overwhelming and unnecessary product offerings on the market, causing mindless consumerism and significant cost for consumers.
  • Toxic marketing with most brands idealizing beauty standards and focusing on unrealistic visual media which affects negatively womens' mental health.
  • Greenwashing to hide animal testing and negative environmental impact, with lack of transparency on operations and supply chains.

Scarcity Of Pure Argan Oil In An Opaque Market

  • Many offerings on the market with varying quality and prices, causing confusion for consumers.
  • Difficult to find truly pure and high quality argan oil.
  • Argan oil is often used as an ingredient with many others, which may dilute its benefits, whereas using it in its purest form is enough to benefit from its miracles.
  • Mostly not sourced from cooperatives and even less from Fair Trade certified cooperatives, despite widespread claims, while the lack of transparency prevents verification.
  • Consumers' lack of knowledge about argan and its environmental, socio-economic impact.

Not Enough For Sustainability

  • Overexploitation and bad harvesting practices are endangering the endemic Argan tree protected by the UNESCO.
  • Pressure to produce more argan oil at a cheaper price is threatening the cooperatives system which ensures women are paid fairly and benefit from social initiatives.
  • Most argan oil brands contribution to sustainability is limited to sourcing argan from cooperatives, rare are those that give back to the argan ecosystem and communities, or ensure sustainable practices throughout their whole operations.

How are we solving them

Arganability was born with the purpose to address these issues from its first breath, and we continue to strive to improve our value for our customers and our impact on the argan world.

Offering a high quality natural multi-tasker

We help people leverage what mother nature has to offer, avoid toxic chemical based cosmetics, reduce the impact of the cosmetics industry on our planet and save money by replacing most of their personal care products with one natural multi-tasker !

We only offer one product, pure cosmetic argan oil, and we make sure that it is the best quality that one can find by sourcing it from the best cooperatives. Its quality is recognizable from its properties (see FAQ) and its origins which can be verified by our customers thanks to our complete transparency on our suppliers.

We truly believe, based on many scientific studies and proven experiences, that argan oil used in its pure form has miraculous benefits and can replace most of skin and hair care products.

We also seek to offer this while being conscious of our business and marketing practices. We set a reasonable price to ensure good quality and fairness for the argan cooperatives women, our customers, and for us to be able to continue our journey and purpose. We are also conscious of our marketing actions, and careful to not reproduce toxic practices of other cosmetics brands.

Standing for Sustainability

For us, argan and sustainability goes hand in hand as you can tell from our name !

First, we seek to reduce the negative impact on our planet and its people caused by the beauty industry with our natural multi-tasker, not tested on animals and not including any ingredients requiring mining and unsustainable manufacturing practices.

We also wanted to work around argan because it gives us an excellent opportunity to have a strong social and environmental impact. 
Sourcing our argan oil exclusively from fair trade certified argan cooperatives of our Targanine groupment partner,  and giving back from our profits, ensures the empowerment of indigeneous berber women, the socio-economic development of underdeveloped rural areas in Morocco, and the careful exploitation of the UNESCO protected Argan tree. We also donate 5% of our profits to the social fund of our cooperatives partner which finances many social projects in the argan region (literacy programs, day care centers, schooling, access to water, access to medication and healthcare, etc.). 

Women of the Targanine cooperatives in action

Beyond our charity actions, we seek to adopt sustainable practices throughout all our operations.
Our packaging is mostly made of recyclable and biodegradable material (carboard, amber glass, bamboo). Our mailers are made from 100% recycled cardboard from post-industrial and post-consumer waste. We offset carbon emissions for each shipping as well.
We also keep working towards other ways to have more positive impact notably with our plans to enable a recycling program for our bottles, ongoing process to get certifications, etc.

We are proud to contribute to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals

How are we solving them

Arganability was born with the purpose to address these issues from its first breath, and we continue to strive to improve our value for our customers and our impact on the argan world.

Offering a high quality natural multi-tasker

We help people leverage what mother nature has to offer, avoid toxic chemical based cosmetics, reduce the impact of the cosmetics industry on our planet, and save money by replacing most of their personal care products with one natural multi-tasker !

We only offer one product, pure cosmetic argan oil, and we make sure that it is the best quality that one can find by sourcing it from the best cooperatives. Its quality is recognizable from its properties (see FAQ) and its origins which can be verified by our customers thanks to our complete transparency on our suppliers.

We truly believe, based on many scientific studies and proven experiences, that argan oil used in its pure form has miraculous benefits and can replace most of skin and hair care products.

We also seek to offer this while being conscious of our business and marketing practices. We set a reasonable price to ensure good quality and fairness for the argan cooperatives women, our customers, and for us to be able to continue our journey and purpose. We are also conscious of our marketing actions, and careful to not reproduce toxic practices of other cosmetics brands.

Standing for Sustainability

For us, argan and sustainability goes hand in hand as you can tell from our name !

Women of the Targanine cooperatives in action

First, we seek to reduce the negative impact on our planet and its people caused by the beauty industry with our natural multi-tasker, not tested on animals and not including any ingredients requiring mining and unsustainable manufacturing practices.

We also wanted to work around argan because it gives us an excellent opportunity to have a strong social and environmental impact. 
Sourcing our argan oil exclusively from fair trade certified argan cooperatives of our Targanine groupment partner,  and giving back from our profits, ensures the empowerment of indigeneous berber women, the socio-economic development of underdeveloped rural areas in Morocco, and the careful exploitation of the UNESCO protected Argan tree. We also donate 5% of our profits to the social fund of our cooperatives partner which finances many social projects in the argan region (literacy programs, day care centers, schooling, access to water, access to medication and healthcare, etc.). 
Beyond our charity actions, we seek to adopt sustainable practices throughout all our operations.
Our packaging is mostly made of recyclable and biodegradable material (carboard, amber glass, bamboo). Our mailers are made from 100% recycled cardboard from post-industrial and post-consumer waste. We offset carbon emissions for each shipping as well.
We also keep working towards other ways to have more positive impact notably with our plans to enable a recycling program for our bottles, ongoing process to get certifications, etc.

We are proud to contribute to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our Impact

Fair Trade argan cooperatives supported

Indigeneous Berber women paid fairly and offered many social benefits

Customers replaced their skin and hair care chemical based cosmetics with natural argan oil

Argan trees preserved through appropriate exploitation

Questions ?

If you have questions about Arganability, argan oil, shipping, payment... we have answers !

If you can't find answers to your questions, get in touch !